Under the current global climate, working from home has quickly gone from being a novel practice – usually favoured by freelancers and creatives – to the mainstream.

Many dream of working from home, where every workday starts with a one-minute commute and requires no dress code other than your plush, cosy pyjamas. Yet it's not actually that simple in practice; a lack of self-discipline and the inability to concentrate can cause delays in work progress and failure to achieve daily goals – especially for those who didn't take the time to create their own thoughtful home office space and hence are easily distracted by less-than-ideal environments.
How exactly do you create a stylish workspace that can boost productivity and inspire creativity away from the distractions of the outside world? It is actually much easier than you think. Ready your favourite working desk and a chair, and let's get started:
Step 1:Let the light in

In addition to chairs and desks, a great light source plays an incredibly important role in the design of a home office. The best spot for that? That little nook just beside the window or an open area away from the walls and is drenched in natural sunlight, just like how London-based creative and blogger Kelsey Heinrichs designed her playfully plush home office. An alternative is to install a chic yet subtle lighting fixture as your main source of lighting. Keep the workspace away from distracting elements such as the TV or entertainment equipment.
Step 2:Clean out the clutter
We've all heard of the chaotic artist – the belief that a creative genius and the messy work desk somehow always go hand in hand. While there might be some truth in that, when you're in reality working with a confined, tiny space that is usually just a tiny corner or small room in your home, a neat and well-organised environment can be hugely beneficial. Not only is it calming to the eyes and the mind, it also makes searching for various items throughout the workday such as notepads, papers, pens and sticky notes much easier if they're stored tidily in various cabinets, storage boxes or shelves.
Step 3:A well-planned wall
Think about that expansive partition wall in your company office that is perennially plastered with various print-outs and evocative images; this wall is the heart of any creative workspace. Bring that same element into your home office in the forms of mood boards or vision boards, on which you can fill up with important notes, schedules, beautiful photography or basically any of your favourite items. When you're taking a pause in the midst of a hectic workday, simple glance up and you will be invigorated by scenes that can instantly enlighten your mood.
Photos:Home with Kelsey, Christiann koepke, Casa das amigas, Caple and company, 101kvm, jarrad_barnes, dear designer, Dreieckchen, Alef next