Kermit the Frog famously sung about how it’s not easy being green, but Liquid Interiors’ founder and creative director Rowena Gonzales will have you thinking otherwise – only she is talking about the eco kind of green rather than skin colouration. You don’t have to go very high-tech; there is a misconception that if you’re going to design an eco home, it’ll be expensive and take too long, says Rowena, who specializes in sustainable interior design. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to put in solar panels, but little changes here and there will make a real difference in helping you save energy and lower your impact on the environment.
One of the best ideas that Rowena had was replacing the small windows with floor-to-ceiling glass doors. The new glass doors also mean the apartment receives a lot of daylight: We actually didn’t incorporate much lighting into the design because we knew that during the day, there would be sufficient nature light, says Rowena. The glass also extends the space. When it was all blocked, it made the already along and narrow space feel extra skinny.
As well as being green in the eco sense of the world, it also applies to the actual colour of the space. It’s not noticeable at first, but as soon as Rowena points out how Jonathan loves this particular colour you begin to see it everywhere: the bar chairs, kitchen utensils and some of the smaller appliances, in the bedroom, and even the large, plush, octopus-shaped cushion is green. I never knew why until he recently told me it’s because he liked the Hulk when he was a kid, says Rowena.
The designer breaks into some light banter and teases his friend over the colour scheme, but admits, It makes a huge difference when you know there’s meaning behind the green.
The post Lean Green Machine appeared first on Home Journal.