Your home office can be a very unique expression of you individual tastes. Make it bright and uplifting with bold hues and striking wallpaper, or pare it back with a neutral palette complemented by contemporary furnishings. What’s important is that the décor makes you feel inspired and motivated.
This is a good place in which to design a feature wall – especially if it’s in an open-plan space, as this will create a visual distinction between your study and the rest of the room. Choose an image or design that has meaning to you and your work. Stenciling quotes or covering the wall in a digital print of an artwork, map or blown-up photo may fill your space with creative energy.

As this is going to be the place you work or do admin in, good lighting is key. If possible, position your study in an area of your home that receives plenty of natural light. The best type of lighting is natural light, as this is healthy and can improve your mood. If, however, you can’t find a corner of the home that’s flooded with sunshine, illuminate your space with a mix of overhead lighting, direct desk lamps and ambient lighting.
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