This dreamy home is a cosy nest that keeps a contemporary dancer-homeowner’s passion for dance alive.
Located in Taipei, the 1,173 square-foot home was designed by NestSpace Design for a Taiwanese contemporary dancer. This apartment was designed with the idea of creating a micro-community for living, dancing and interacting. It reflects the nature of contracting and releasing the body, as well as the flowing fluidity of modern dance.

Taking inspiration from the continuous motion of body flow, the renewal project integrated the idea of an immersive theatre and a subtle seat hierarchy into the open space. As Revival House allows its residents to move freely in the spatiality of the flat, each person can create a calming and soothing connection between their body and their soul.

In order to adapt to the new lifestyle post-covid era, NestSpace Design explained how housing is no longer just an inhabiting nest for homeowners but rather “a venue that accommodates complex functions and explores life possibilities.”

Living with the space-bound for dancing, one problem that NestSpace Design faced was how the disarranged walls decreased the visibility of sunlight and created low ventilation. Due to this, preventing humidity is a part of the design brief.
Preserving ample living spaces for the house members, NestSpace Design carved out additional dancing zones and divided them into three phases according to the dancer’s mind. "The state of consciousness”, “the path of contemplation”, and "sleep as I dream”. With the front of the house indicating a state of the ever-changing mind, the open space activates one’s senses. The main material chosen in this area is wood, creating a warm and forest-like atmosphere with a sloped ceiling.

Like an immersive theatre, the central space is designed as a lifestyle zone where visitors can dance, stretch their bodies, or just relax by lying down in peace. Using walled mirrors to cover the space, the practice room offers functionality as it is, yet expands in spatiality as well.

The hallway that connects the public areas to the private areas also serves as a two-way conversion point between the dining area and the bedroom. Unlike the dancing area, the refreshment area allows its visitors to relax at ease, and to dream peacefully.

Based on the study of the dancer's body as a scale, the design team of this Taiwanese apartment created a fusion of living space and flexibility for its tenants. This keeps the spark of the homeowner’s passion alive even when they are at home.
Photo: Hey!Cheese