It all started with a fascination of vintage Japanese Kimono and Obi. Coming from a creative family with great appreciation for art, Michelle Lai decided to pursue her passion for design and started her company MISCHA in 2004.
Starting off with handmade clutches made from vintage Kimono and Obi fabrics, hunted down in Michelle’s travels to Japan, MISCHA soon branched out creating aa line of luggage, totes and accessories now available world wide.
Inspirations and mood boards play a big part in the creative process at MISCHA’s office. A huge board behind Michelle’s desk features a collection of photos, handwritten notes, magazine clippings, pretty things and bits of inspiration she’s picked up over the years. They’re beautiful reminders of my journey and I don’t want to forget all the support and blessings I’ve had. Running your own business can be a great challenge, it’s a rollercoaster ride of emotions, and you’re always setting the bar higher and aiming for more. I have the inspirational notes to remind myself when I’ve had a bad day, to learn from my mistakes and look forward to a new day, shares Michelle.
The space radiates a bright and joyful spirit – Michelle’s optimism and fire is unmistakably apparent in the environment she has created for her and her team at MISCHA. Wherever you look there is inspiration. Creativity literally bounces of the walls in form of handwritten goals, fond moments captured on polaroids and vintage kimonos that started it all.

[Q&A Section]
How do you start your day? I walk to work every morning and really enjoy it when the weather is nice. I try to make it a habit to do yoga or run in the morning a few times a week. It clears my mind and sets me up for a productive day. I’ll also have a fresh juice and a cup of coffee as my morning ritual.
Start early or stay up late? I’m not really a morning person but I have to during the week. Our office opens at 10am so it‘s not too bad; I can take my time getting ready and do morning coffee meetings. On weekends I like to sleep in and start my day mid-morning.

What do you love most about your office? It’s bright and airy and right in the middle of all the action. I’ve been in this building since I started MISCHA so it has sentimental value for me being here amongst all the other tenants. When I first started, I used to share the office with other designers, but as we’ve grown we’ve taken over the space and will outgrow it very soon.
Tell us about a special piece on your desk: When you can actually see my desk and it’s not covered in stacks of paper, samples, letters and to do lists; an item I really like is my selenite crystal. I believe crystals have different vibrational energies and this one is useful for clearing the mind of negative energies that can build up in the work place.
What’s your favorite area of the office and why? My desk. It’s by the windowsill where I’ve got a lot of plants and flowers. I have a view of Wyndham Street below and a behind the scenes view of everything that happening. We have an open plan office and with all the girls in my office, things can get very lively!
Coffee or tea? Both, and whisky too.

Best thing about your work? I get to meet such interesting and inspiring people, whether it’s other creative people, entrepreneurs, buyers, clients, and potential collaborators. I get to travel to showcase my work as well as get inspiration for designs. I love the dynamic freedom of making your own rules and there is never a dull day, just not enough hours.
Which quote resonates with you most? Change your thoughts and you change your world.
Future project you’re excited about: I’m really excited about our month long pop up shop in March. It will be MISCHA’s first ever store. We‘ll be launching some new items, special projects and collaborations. I’m really looking forward for it to be a feast for all the senses and to pique people’s curiosity.

Personal Picks
EXPLORE – I’ve just come back from Bali again. I love the nature and scuba diving there. I am also really impressed by the cool restaurant designs. I recently went to La Favela and Motel Mexicola, which I loved. I also love the colourful crafts and local designers there. I want to go back now!
SHOP – I like to shop for local specialties when I travel. I like to shop designer wear, jewelry and home decoration pieces wherever I go. I have a bit of a shoe habit; my closet looks like a shoe store.
READ – I like fiction and will re-read books I really like. I’m reading Zag by Marty Neumeier right now for a refresher on branding.

The post Aesthetic Ambition appeared first on Home Journal.